

pnpm 从命令行、环境变量和 .npmrc 文件中获取其配置。

pnpm config 命令可用于更新和编辑 用户和全局 .npmrc 文件的内容。


  • 每个项目的配置文件(/path/to/my/project/.npmrc
  • 每个工作区的配置文件(包含 pnpm-workspace.yaml 文件的目录)
  • 每位用户的配置文件( ~/.npmrc
  • 全局配置文件( /etc/npmrc

所有 .npmrc 文件都遵循 INI-formatted 列表,包含 key = value 参数。



  • 默认值: true
  • 类型: boolean

当 hoist 为 true 时,所有依赖项都会被提升到 node_modules/.pnpm。 这使得 node_modules所有包都可以访问 未列出的依赖项。


  • 默认值: ['*']
  • 类型: string[]

告诉 pnpm 哪些包应该被提升到 node_modules/.pnpm。 默认情况下,所有包都被提升 —— 但是,如果您知道只有某些有缺陷的包具有幻影依赖,您可以使用此选项专门提升幻影依赖(推荐做法)。



从 v7.12.0 开始, 你可以使用 ! pattern 排除提升。




  • 默认值: ['*eslint*', '*prettier*']
  • 类型: string[]

不同于 hoist-pattern 会把依赖提升到一个虚拟存储中的隐藏的模块目录中,public-hoist-pattern 将匹配的依赖提升至根模块目录中。 提升至根模块目录中意味着应用代码可以访问到幻影依赖,即使他们对解析策略做了不当的修改。




注意:设置 shamefully-hoisttrue 与设置 public-hoist-pattern* 是一样的。

从 v7.12.0 开始, 你可以使用 ! pattern 排除提升。




  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

默认情况下,pnpm 创建一个半严格的 node_modules,这意味着依赖项可以访问未声明的依赖项,但 node_modules 之外的模块不行。 通过这种布局,生态系统中的大多数的包都可以正常工作。 但是,如果某些工具仅在提升的依赖项位于根目录的 node_modules 时才有效,您可以将其设置为 true 来为您提升它们。

Node 模块设置


  • 默认值:
    • If the $PNPM_HOME env variable is set, then $PNPM_HOME/store
    • 如果设置了 $XDG_DATA_HOME 环境变量,则为 $XDG_DATA_HOME/pnpm/store
    • 在 Windows 上: ~/AppData/Local/pnpm/store
    • 在 macOS 上: ~/Library/pnpm/store
    • 在 Linux 上: ~/.local/share/pnpm/store
  • 类型:path


该存储应始终位于进行安装的同一磁盘上,因此每个磁盘将有一个存储。 如果在使用磁盘中具有主目录,存储目录就会创建在这里。 如果磁盘上没有主目录,那么将在文件系统的根目录中创建该存储。 例如,如果安装发生在挂载在 /mnt 的文件系统上,那么存储将在 /mnt/.pnpm-store 处创建。 Windows 系统上也是如此。

可以从不同的磁盘设置同一个存储,但在这种情况下,pnpm 将复制包而不是硬链接它们,因为硬链接只能发生在同一文件系统上。


  • 默认值:node_modules
  • 类型:path

将安装依赖项的目录(而不是 node_modules)。


  • 默认值:isolated
  • 类型: isolated, hoisted, pnp

定义应该使用什么链接器来安装 Node 包。

  • isolated - 依赖项从虚拟存储 node_modules/.pnpm 中建立符号链接
  • hoisted - 创建一个没有符号链接的扁平的 node_modules。 与 npm 或 Yarn Classic 创建 node_modules 一致。 当使用此设置时,Yarn 的一个库用于提升。 使用此设置的正当理由:
    1. 您的工具不适用于符号链接。 React Native 项目很可能只有在你使用提升的 node_modules 才能工作。
    2. 您的项目会被部署到 serverless 服务提供商。 一些 serverless 提供商(例如 AWS Lambda)不支持符号链接。 此问题的另一种解决方案是在部署之前打包您的应用程序。
    3. 如果你想用 "bundledDependencies" 发布你的包。
    4. 如果您使用 --preserve-symlinks 标志运行 Node.js。
  • pnp - 没有 node_modules。 Plug'n'Play 是一种 Yarn Berry 使用的创新的 Node 依赖策略。 当使用 pnp 作为您的链接器时,建议同时将 symlink 设置为 false
  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

symlink 设置为 false 时,pnpm 创建一个没有任何符号链接的虚拟存储目录。 与 node-linker=pnp 一起是一个有用的设置。


  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

false 时,pnpm 不会将任何文件写入模块目录(node_modules)。 这对于在用户空间的文件系统 (FUSE) 中挂载模块目录时很有用。 有一个实验性 CLI 允许您在 FUSE 中挂载模块目录:@pnpm/mount-modules


  • 默认值:node_modules/.pnpm
  • 类型:path

带有指向存储的链接的目录。 所有直接和间接依赖项都链接到此目录中。

这是一个有用的设置,可以解决 Windows 上长路径的问题。 如果您有一些路径很长的依赖项,您可以选择将虚拟存储放在驱动器的根目录中(例如 C:\my-project-store)。

或者您可以将虚拟存储设置为 .pnpm 并将其添加到 .gitignore。 这将使堆栈跟踪更清晰,因为依赖项的路径将会提高一个目录层级。

注意: 虚拟存储不能在多个项目之间共享。 每个项目都应该有自己的虚拟存储(除了在工作空间中被共享的根目录)。


  • 默认值:auto
  • 类型:auto, hardlink, copy, clone, clone-or-copy

控制从存储中导入包的方式(如果要禁用 node_modules中的符号链接,则需要更改 节点链接器 设置,而不是此设置)。

  • auto - 尝试从存储克隆包。 如果不支持克隆则从存储硬链接包。 如果克隆和链接都不支持,则回退到复制
  • hardlink - 从存储硬链接包
  • clone-or-copy - 尝试从存储中克隆包。 如果不支持克隆则回退到复制。
  • copy - 从存储中复制包
  • clone - 从存储中克隆(也称为 copy-on-write 或参考链接)包

克隆是将包写入 node_modules 的最佳方式。 这是最快的方式,也是最安全的方式。 使用克隆时,您可以编辑 node_modules 中的文件,并且不会在中央内容可寻址存储中修改它们。

不幸的是,并非所有文件系统都支持克隆。 我们建议使用写时复制 (CoW) 文件系统(例如,在 Linux 上使用 Btrfs 而不是 Ext4)以获得最佳的 pnpm 体验。


尽管 macOS 支持克隆,但目前 Node.js 中存在错误 该错误阻止我们在 pnpm 中使用它。 如果您有解决方法的想法,请 到来帮助我们


  • 默认值: 10080 (以分钟为单位的 7 天)
  • 类型:number

The time in minutes after which orphan packages from the modules directory should be removed. pnpm keeps a cache of packages in the modules directory. This boosts installation speed when switching branches or downgrading dependencies.



  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

When set to false, pnpm won't read or generate a pnpm-lock.yaml file.


  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

When set to true and the available pnpm-lock.yaml satisfies the package.json dependencies directive, a headless installation is performed. A headless installation skips all dependency resolution as it does not need to modify the lockfile.



  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

Add the full URL to the package's tarball to every entry in pnpm-lock.yaml.


Added in: v7.3.0

  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

When set to true, the generated lockfile name after installation will be named based on the current branch name to completely avoid merge conflicts. For example, if the current branch name is feature-foo, the corresponding lockfile name will be pnpm-lock.feature-foo.yaml instead of pnpm-lock.yaml. It is typically used in conjunction with the command line argument --merge-git-branch-lockfiles or by setting merge-git-branch-lockfiles-branch-pattern in the .npmrc file.


Added in: v7.3.0

  • Default: null
  • Type: Array or null

This configuration matches the current branch name to determine whether to merge all git branch lockfile files. By default, you need to manually pass the --merge-git-branch-lockfiles command line parameter. This configuration allows this process to be automatically completed.



You may also exclude patterns using !.


Added in: v7.24.0

  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

Use the new v6 lockfile format, which will be the default one in pnpm v8. This new format is more readable as it doesn't use hashes to shorten long dependency paths.

注册源 & 身份验证设置


The base URL of the npm package registry (trailing slash included).


The npm registry that should be used for packages of the specified scope. For example, setting @babel:registry=https://example.com/packages/npm/ will enforce that when you use pnpm add @babel/core, or any @babel scoped package, the package will be fetched from https://example.com/packages/npm instead of the default registry.


Define the authentication bearer token to use when accessing the specified registry. 示例:


You may also use an environment variable. 示例:


Or you may just use an environment variable directly, without changing .npmrc at all:



A token helper is an executable which outputs an auth token. This can be used in situations where the authToken is not a constant value but is something that refreshes regularly, where a script or other tool can use an existing refresh token to obtain a new access token.

The configuration for the path to the helper must be an absolute path, with no arguments. In order to be secure, it is only permitted to set this value in the user .npmrc. Otherwise a project could place a value in a project's local .npmrc and run arbitrary executables.

Setting a token helper for the default registry:


Setting a token helper for the specified registry:




  • Default: The npm CA certificate
  • Type: String, Array or null

The Certificate Authority signing certificate that is trusted for SSL connections to the registry. Values should be in PEM format (AKA "Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)"). 示例:


Set to null to only allow known registrars, or to a specific CA cert to trust only that specific signing authority.

Multiple CAs can be trusted by specifying an array of certificates:


See also the strict-ssl config.


  • Default: null
  • 类型:path

A path to a file containing one or multiple Certificate Authority signing certificates. Similar to the ca setting, but allows for multiple CAs, as well as for the CA information to be stored in a file instead of being specified via CLI.


  • Default: null
  • Type: String

A client certificate to pass when accessing the registry. Values should be in PEM format (AKA "Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)"). 示例:


It is not the path to a certificate file (and there is no certfile option).


  • Default: null
  • Type: String

A client key to pass when accessing the registry. Values should be in PEM format (AKA "Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)"). 示例:

key="-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nXXXX\nXXXX\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"

It is not the path to a key file (and there is no keyfile option).

This setting contains sensitive information. Don't write it to a local .npmrc file committed to the repository.


  • Default: ['github.com', 'gist.github.com', 'gitlab.com', 'bitbucket.com', 'bitbucket.org']
  • 类型: string[]

When fetching dependencies that are Git repositories, if the host is listed in this setting, pnpm will use shallow cloning to fetch only the needed commit, not all the history.


  • Default: null
  • Type: url

A proxy to use for outgoing HTTPS requests. If the HTTPS_PROXY, https_proxy, HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy environment variables are set, their values will be used instead.

If your proxy URL contains a username and password, make sure to URL-encode them. 例如:


Do not encode the colon (:) between the username and password.



  • Default: null
  • Type: url

A proxy to use for outgoing http requests. If the HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy environment variables are set, proxy settings will be honored by the underlying request library.


  • Default: undefined
  • Type: IP Address

The IP address of the local interface to use when making connections to the npm registry.


  • Default: network-concurrency x 3
  • 类型:Number

The maximum number of connections to use per origin (protocol/host/port combination).


  • Default: null
  • Type: String

A comma-separated string of domain extensions that a proxy should not be used for.


  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

Whether or not to do SSL key validation when making requests to the registry via HTTPS.

See also the ca option.


  • Default: 16
  • 类型:Number

Controls the maximum number of HTTP(S) requests to process simultaneously.


  • Default: 2
  • 类型:Number

How many times to retry if pnpm fails to fetch from the registry.


  • Default: 10
  • 类型:Number

The exponential factor for retry backoff.


  • Default: 10000 (10 seconds)
  • 类型:Number

The minimum (base) timeout for retrying requests.


  • Default: 60000 (1 minute)
  • 类型:Number

The maximum fallback timeout to ensure the retry factor does not make requests too long.


  • Default: 60000 (1 minute)
  • 类型:Number

The maximum amount of time to wait for HTTP requests to complete.

Peer Dependency 设置


  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

When true, any missing non-optional peer dependencies are automatically installed.


Added in: v7.29.0

  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

When this setting is set to true, packages with peer dependencies will be deduplicated after peers resolution.

For instance, let's say we have a workspace with two projects and both of them have webpack in their dependencies. webpack has esbuild in its optional peer dependencies, and one of the projects has esbuild in its dependencies. In this case, pnpm will link two instances of webpack to the node_modules/.pnpm directory: one with esbuild and another one without it:

webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack
webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0_esbuild@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack

This makes sense because webpack is used in two projects, and one of the projects doesn't have esbuild, so the two projects cannot share the same instance of webpack. However, this is not what most developers expect, especially since in a hoisted node_modules, there would only be one instance of webpack. Therefore, you may now use the dedupe-peer-dependents setting to deduplicate webpack when it has no conflicting peer dependencies (explanation at the end). In this case, if we set dedupe-peer-dependents to true, both projects will use the same webpack instance, which is the one that has esbuild resolved:

webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0_esbuild@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack
webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0_esbuild@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack

What are conflicting peer dependencies? By conflicting peer dependencies we mean a scenario like the following one:

webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack
react (v17)
webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0_esbuild@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack
react (v16)

In this case, we cannot dedupe webpack as webpack has react in its peer dependencies and react is resolved from two different versions in the context of the two projects.


  • Default: false (was true from v7.0.0 until v7.13.5)
  • 类型:Boolean

If this is enabled, commands will fail if there is a missing or invalid peer dependency in the tree.


Added in: v7.23.0

  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

When enabled, dependencies of the root workspace project are used to resolve peer dependencies of any projects in the workspace. It is a useful feature as you can install your peer dependencies only in the root of the workspace, and you can be sure that all projects in the workspace use the same versions of the peer dependencies.



  • 默认值:auto
  • Type: auto, always, never

Controls colors in the output.

  • auto - output uses colors when the standard output is a terminal or TTY.
  • always - ignore the difference between terminals and pipes. You’ll rarely want this; in most scenarios, if you want color codes in your redirected output, you can instead pass a --color flag to the pnpm command to force it to use color codes. The default setting is almost always what you’ll want.
  • never - turns off colors. This is the setting used by --no-color.


  • Default: info
  • Type: debug, info, warn, error

Any logs at or higher than the given level will be shown. You can instead pass --silent to turn off all output logs.


  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

Experimental option that enables beta features of the CLI. This means that you may get some changes to the CLI functionality that are breaking changes, or potentially bugs.


  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

If this is enabled, the primary behaviour of pnpm install becomes that of pnpm install -r, meaning the install is performed on all workspace or subdirectory packages.

Else, pnpm install will exclusively build the package in the current directory.


  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

If this is enabled, pnpm will not install any package that claims to not be compatible with the current Node version.

Regardless of this configuration, installation will always fail if a project (not a dependency) specifies an incompatible version in its engines field.


  • 类型:path

The location of the npm binary that pnpm uses for some actions, like publishing.



  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

Do not execute any scripts defined in the project package.json and its dependencies.


This flag does not prevent the execution of .pnpmfile.cjs


Added in: v7.9.0

  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

Do not execute any scripts of the installed packages. Scripts of the projects are executed.


  • Default: 5
  • 类型:Number

The maximum number of child processes to allocate simultaneously to build node_modules.


  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

Use and cache the results of (pre/post)install hooks.


  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

Only use the side effects cache if present, do not create it for new packages.


  • Default: false IF running as root, ELSE true
  • 类型:Boolean

Set to true to enable UID/GID switching when running package scripts. If set explicitly to false, then installing as a non-root user will fail.

Node.js 设置


  • Default: undefined
  • Type: semver

Specifies which exact Node.js version should be used for the project's runtime. pnpm will automatically install the specified version of Node.js and use it for running pnpm run commands or the pnpm node command.

This may be used instead of .nvmrc and nvm. Instead of the following .nvmrc file:


Use this .npmrc file:



  • Default: the value returned by node -v, without the v prefix
  • Type: semver

The Node.js version to use when checking a package's engines setting.

If you want to prevent contributors of your project from adding new incompatible dependencies, use node-version and engine-strict in a .npmrc file at the root of the project:


This way, even if someone is using Node.js v16, they will not be able to install a new dependency that doesn't support Node.js v12.22.0.


  • Default: https://nodejs.org/download/<releaseDir>/
  • Type: URL

Sets the base URL for downloading Node.js. The <releaseDir> portion of this setting can be any directory from https://nodejs.org/download: release, rc, nightly, v8-canary, etc.

Here is how pnpm may be configured to download Node.js from Node.js mirror in China:


Workspace Settings

  • 默认值: true
  • Type: true, false, deep

If this is enabled, locally available packages are linked to node_modules instead of being downloaded from the registry. This is very convenient in a monorepo. If you need local packages to also be linked to subdependencies, you can use the deep setting.

Else, packages are downloaded and installed from the registry. However, workspace packages can still be linked by using the workspace: range protocol.


  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

If this is enabled, local packages from the workspace are preferred over packages from the registry, even if there is a newer version of the package in the registry.

This setting is only useful if the workspace doesn't use save-workspace-protocol.


  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

If this is enabled, pnpm creates a single pnpm-lock.yaml file in the root of the workspace. This also means that all dependencies of workspace packages will be in a single node_modules (and get symlinked to their package node_modules folder for Node's module resolution).

Advantages of this option:

  • every dependency is a singleton
  • faster installations in a monorepo
  • fewer changes in code reviews as they are all in one file

Even though all the dependencies will be hard linked into the root node_modules, packages will have access only to those dependencies that are declared in their package.json, so pnpm's strictness is preserved. This is a result of the aforementioned symbolic linking.


  • 默认值: true
  • Type: true, false, rolling

This setting controls how dependencies that are linked from the workspace are added to package.json.

If foo@1.0.0 is in the workspace and you run pnpm add foo in another project of the workspace, below is how foo will be added to the dependencies field. The save-prefix setting also influences how the spec is created.




  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

When executing commands recursively in a workspace, execute them on the root workspace project as well.



  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

Only allows installation with a store server. If no store server is running, installation will fail.


  • Default: '^'
  • Type: String

Configure how versions of packages installed to a package.json file get prefixed.

For example, if a package has version 1.2.3, by default its version is set to ^1.2.3 which allows minor upgrades for that package, but after pnpm config set save-prefix='~' it would be set to ~1.2.3 which only allows patch upgrades.

This setting is ignored when the added package has a range specified. For instance, pnpm add foo@2 will set the version of foo in package.json to 2, regardless of the value of save-prefix.


  • Default: latest
  • Type: String

If you pnpm add a package and you don't provide a specific version, then it will install the package at the version registered under the tag from this setting.

This also sets the tag that is added to the package@version specified by the pnpm tag command if no explicit tag is given.


  • 默认值:
    • If the $XDG_DATA_HOME env variable is set, then $XDG_DATA_HOME/pnpm/global
    • On Windows: ~/AppData/Local/pnpm/global
    • On macOS: ~/Library/pnpm/global
    • On Linux: ~/.local/share/pnpm/global
  • 类型:path

Specify a custom directory to store global packages.


  • 默认值:
    • If the $XDG_DATA_HOME env variable is set, then $XDG_DATA_HOME/pnpm
    • On Windows: ~/AppData/Local/pnpm
    • On macOS: ~/Library/pnpm
    • On Linux: ~/.local/share/pnpm
  • 类型:path

Allows to set the target directory for the bin files of globally installed packages.


  • 默认值:
    • If the $XDG_STATE_HOME env variable is set, then $XDG_STATE_HOME/pnpm
    • On Windows: ~/AppData/Local/pnpm-state
    • On macOS: ~/.pnpm-state
    • On Linux: ~/.local/state/pnpm
  • 类型:path

The directory where pnpm creates the pnpm-state.json file that is currently used only by the update checker.


  • 默认值:
    • If the $XDG_CACHE_HOME env variable is set, then $XDG_CACHE_HOME/pnpm
    • On Windows: ~/AppData/Local/pnpm-cache
    • On macOS: ~/Library/Caches/pnpm
    • On Linux: ~/.cache/pnpm
  • 类型:path

The location of the package metadata cache.


  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

When true, all the output is written to stderr.


  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

Set to false to suppress the update notification when using an older version of pnpm than the latest.



  • Default: true, when node-linker is set to hoisted and the system is POSIX
  • 类型:Boolean

Create symlinks to executables in node_modules/.bin instead of command shims. This setting is ignored on Windows, where only command shims work.


Added in: v7.7.0

  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

By default, if a file in the store has been modified, the content of this file is checked before linking it to a project's node_modules. If verify-store-integrity is set to false, files in the content-addressable store will not be checked during installation.


Added in: v7.9.0

  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

During installation the dependencies of some packages are automatically patched. If you want to disable this, set this config to false.

The patches are applied from Yarn's @yarnpkg/extensions package.


Added in: v7.10.0

  • Default: highest
  • Type: highest, time-based, lowest-direct (added in: v7.27.0)

When resolution-mode is set to time-based, dependencies will be resolved the following way:

  1. 直接依赖项将解析为最低版本。 因此,如果依赖项中有 foo@^1.1.0 ,则将安装 1.1.0
  2. 子依赖项将被解析的版本,是解析到最后一个直接依赖项发布的版本。

With this resolution mode installations with warm cache are faster. It also reduces the chance of subdependency hijacking as subdependencies will be updated only if direct dependencies are updated.

This resolution mode works only with npm's full metadata. So it is slower in some scenarios. However, if you use Verdaccio v5.15.1 or newer, you may set the registry-supports-time-field setting to true, and it will be really fast.

When resolution-mode is set to lowest-direct, direct dependencies will be resolved to their lowest versions.


Added in: v7.10.0

  • 默认值: false
  • 类型:Boolean

Set this to true if the registry that you are using returns the "time" field in the abbreviated metadata. As of now, only Verdaccio from v5.15.1 supports this.



  • 默认值: true
  • 类型:Boolean

When false, the NODE_PATH environment variable is not set in the command shims.