



如果您有意更改儲藏庫目錄,請執行 pnpm install,pnpm 將使用新的儲藏庫重新安裝依賴套件。



例如,套件 foodependencies 中有 bar@1.0.0

"name": "foo",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"bar": "workspace:1.0.0"

然而,工作區中只有 bar@2.0.0,因此 pnpm install 將會失敗。

若要修復此問題,應更新使用 workspace protocol 的所有依賴套件,以使用工作區中存在的版本。 這也可以手動完成,或是使用 pnpm -r update 指令。


若專案中存在未解析的對等依賴套件或是與所需範圍不符的對等依賴套件,則 pnpm install 將會失敗。 若要修正此問題,請安裝缺少的對等依賴套件。

您也可以使用 package.json 中的 pnpm.peerDependencyRules.ignoreMissingpnpm.peerDependencyRules.allowedVersions 來選擇性地忽略這些問題。


如果無法在不變更 lockfile 的情況下執行安裝,則會發生此錯誤。 這可能會在 CI 環境中發生,當有人更改了儲藏庫中的 package.json 檔案,而沒有執行 pnpm install。 或是有人忘記提交更改後的 lockfile。

若要修復此問題,只需執行 pnpm install 並提交更改後的 lockfile。


This error indicates that the downloaded package's tarball did not match the expected integrity checksum.

If you use the npm registry (registry.npmjs.org), then this probably means that the integrity in your lockfile is incorrect. This might happen if a lockfile had badly resolved merge conflicts.

If you use a registry that allows to override existing versions of a package, then it might mean that in your local metadata cache you have the integrity checksum of an older version of the package. In this case, you should run pnpm store prune. This command will remove your local metadata cache. Then you can retry the command that failed.

But also be careful and verify that the package is downloaded from the right URL. The URL should be printed in the error message.


The config field use-node-version defines a release channel different from version suffix.

For example:

  • rc/20.0.0 defines an rc channel but the version is that of a stable release.
  • release/20.0.0-rc.0 defines a release channel but the version is that of an RC release.

To fix this error, either remove the release channel prefix or correct the version suffix.


The value of config field use-node-version has an invalid syntax.

Below are the valid forms of use-node-version:

  • Stable release:
    • X.Y.Z (X, Y, Z are integers)
    • release/X.Y.Z (X, Y, Z are integers)
  • RC release:
    • X.Y.Z-rc.W (X, Y, Z, W are integers)
    • rc/X.Y.Z-rc.W (X, Y, Z, W are integers)